Welcome to the Artificial Anthill

Welcome to the web site of the anthill open project, an artificial world of ants. Our aim is to make a program that simulate the complex behaviour of an anthill from simple behaviour of individual ants.

An open project

While we would like to point out that this project was initiated by members of a non-profit association D2SET we intend to release the code under LGPL (Lesser Gnu Public Licence) or GPL (Gnu Public Licence) depending on possible parternship with other projects released under these licences.
Feel free to contact us for any remark, request of information or if you wish to join us.

How to use this site?

You have a menu bar at the top of each page

  • Presentation page is about the project and the team.
  • Simulation page is about the program itself, at now we present a prototype of applet.
  • Science page is about reasearch of ants from biology and artificial point of view.
  • From Download page you can download, pictures, movies, sources and documentation.
  • Links page try to list a maximum of links about ants concerning science, simulation but also education and literature.
  • Contact page lists all the way to get informed: e-mail, mailing-lists, postal adress.

You can come back to this page by clicking on the image banner up the menu.

On each bottom page, you have on the right a link to go to the top of the page.

If you are addict of languages, this site will be maintened both in French and English. You can easily switch from a language to another by clicking on the painted face of the ant down the menu bar. You will go to the page with the same content not to the home page of the other version.

Don't worry about the ants you see on this screen, it's simply a script in JavaScript. It will not appear on the other pages of the site.

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